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KNIT YOUR SOCKS OFF making chemo socks to keep toes cosy

KNIT YOUR SOCKS OFF making chemo socks to keep toes cosy

Read about one woman’s quest to keep cancer patients’ tootsies warm this winter, and find out more about how to join this great cause.

We spoke with the lady behind the Knit Your Socks Off Campaign, Samina Hussain, to find out how knitting a fluffy pair of socks can make a big difference to those undergoing cancer treatment…


The idea of the chemo socks came about when my friend Sbba kindly knitted me a pair whilst I was going through chemotherapy earlier this year. It was a real godsend because it meant I could kick off my shoes and relax, plus the handknitted socks were warm and cosy.

I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in August 2014. I had both surgery and radiotherapy, which was okay, but chemotherapy made me ill and I was poorly. I also felt very low, and found that the bright socks helped to add colour to the journey – lifting my mood and keeping me warm.

Although I didn’t knit during treatment myself, I know that my friend Sbba did as well as many other patients. I did try art therapy, which really helped, and I think many of us felt that creativity made the journey a little easier.

Pink socks
The Knit Your Socks Off campaign is a pledge I made, to ask our local community to knit 100 socks by this Christmas. Those who can’t knit and are not able to make any can easily help by donating wool. There are various drop-off points for this at the Asian Star Radio Observatory Shopping Centre and Slough Borough Council (see addresses details below). There is also a pattern below that knitters can use to make socks!

Through the campaign I am hoping to raise awareness of knitting. It’s the new yoga and people can use their knitting skills to put a smile on a cancer patient’s face. The response has been fantastic so far, with lots of people knitting socks and giving wool donations too.
Drop off or send your socks to either of the following addresses:

Asian Star Radio Observatory Shopping Centre, The Gallery Level, High Street, Slough, SL1 1LH

A thank you to Asian Star Radio for promoting this cause!


Comms Team, Slough Borough Council, St Martins Place, 51 Bath Road, Slough, SL1 3UF

For further information, please contact Samina Hussain on aspire.2b@hotmail.co.uk


Courtesy of Sbba Siddique


Four 4.5mm double pointed needles

Three 50g balls of DK baby yarn (doubled)


Small will fit a lady shoe size 3-5

Medium will fit a lady shoe size 5-7

Large is mens


Using needles (US size 7/4.5mm double pointed set of 4 needles) cast on 40 sts and divide as folls

14 sts on first needle

12 sts on second needle

14 sts on third needle

Join sts in a circle being careful not to twist sts and pm in first st to denote beg of rnd

Work in k1, p1, ribbing depending on size required:

(Small) 10 rnds / (Medium) 12 rnds / (Large) 15 rnds

Change to circular st st (k all rnds) for:

(Small) 10 rnds / (Medium) 12 rnds / (Large) 15 rnds

Make Heel

Sl last 12 sts of last rnd and k first 10 sts of next rnd onto one needle (22 heel flap sts) leaving 18 sts total on other two needles for instep sts

Sl these 18 sts onto a st holder

Row 1: working with the 22 heel flap sts: (p2tog, p2) to last two sts, p2. 17 sts

Row 2: k1, sl 1 to last st, k1

Row 3: k1, p to last st, k1

Rep Rows 2-3 until work is 3 inches long, ending with a WS row

Next row (RS): k7, k2tog, k8. 16 sts

Heel Shaping

Row 1: p8, p2tog, p1, leave rem five sts unworked on LH needle, turn work

Row 2: k2, ssk, k1, leave rem four sts unworked on LH needle, turn work

Row 3: p4, p2tog, p1, leave rem three sts on LH needle, turn work

Row 4: k5, ssk, k1, leave rem two sts on LH needle, turn work

Row 5: p6, p2tog, p1, leave rem one st on LH needle, turn work

Row 6: k7, ssk, k1, turn work

Row 7: p10

Row 8: k10

With RS facing pick up

(Small) 11 sts / (Medium) 13 sts / (Large) 15 sts along side of heel flap

Sl 18 instep sts from st holder to an empty needle, with a second needle k across the 18 instep sts keeping them on one needle

With the third needle pick up

(Small) 11 sts / (Medium) 13 sts / (Large) 15 sts along side of heel flap

K5 sts, place a marker after these five sts and before next five sts to denote beg of rnd

Transfer rem five heel sts (those in front of st marker) to first needle

There are now the following sts on each needle depending on size

SMALL: needle one 16 sts, needle two 18 sts, needle three 16 sts

MEDIUM: needle one 18 sts, needle two 18 sts, needle three 18 sts

LARGE: needle one 20 sts, needle two 18 sts, needle three 20 sts

Knit two rnds of st st (k all rnds)

Rnd 1: first needle k to last three sts, k2tog, k1, second needle k, third needle k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 2: k

Rep Rnds 1-2 until you have foll number of sts rem for all sizes

Needle one 11 sts, Needle two 18 sts, Needle three 11 sts

Cont to work in st st (all rnds knit) depending on size required

(Small) 12 rnds / (Medium) 14 rnds / (Large) 16 rnds

Once you have the desired length begin to shape the toe

Shape toe

Divide the 40 sts as folls:

10 sts on first needle

20 sts on second needle

10 sts on third needle

Rnd 1: first needle k to last three sts, k2tog, k1

Second needle k1, ssk, k to last three sts, k2tog, k1

Third needle k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 2: k

Rep Rnds 1-2 until 12 sts rem, k sts from first needle onto third needle so there are six sts on each of two needles. Cut yarn leaving 20 inches tail and use a tapestry needle to work toe sts tog using Kitchener stitch

“I hope you enjoy making these socks as much as I have! Good luck and happing knitting”

Sbba Siddique

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