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Crochet Champion: Sammy Owens

Crochet Champion: Sammy Owens

We talk all things woolly with talented crochet designer and pom-pom champion, Sammy Owens

Where did your crafting journey begin?

Before I became a pom-pom designer and sculptor, I started up my own business making crochet blankets and clothes while on maternity leave with my daughter, Ruby. I was a full-time Veterinary Nurse before that but I have always enjoyed crafting and now I’m constantly trying to stand out from the crowd.

What first sparked your interest in creating pom-poms?

I was making a crochet blanket for a baby whose mummy said I could do whatever I wanted, so I decided to add pom-pom sheep on the corners. It got me thinking, “What other pom-pom animals could I make?” I sat at my makeshift desk and made a pom-pom bunny with a floral headband and the rest is history. I started taking orders for dozens of bunnies and I couldn’t believe it! I had found my ‘thing’ and it was so exciting!

Giant Pig
Giant Pig

Tell us more about your giant pom-poms.

One day my partner, David, said I should have a go at making a huge life-size pom-pom. He is handy with tools so I designed a giant pom-pom loom and he made it for me. It’s rickety and rough but it does the job. Sculpting a giant pom-pom takes hours and hours and I am constantly trimming it even when I am supposedly finished, but I love making them!

How do you give each and every animal its own personality?

Every ear or feature I make is cut by hand and I don’t use stencils. They are all different to one another. I make a lot of bunnies but somehow they all have their own character which I love watching come to life as I trim them. This is the most enjoyable part of my job for me, giving them individuality and seeing their little faces come to life.

Christmas Deer
Christmas Deer

Do you have a favourite make?

My favourite giant pom-pom is the beautiful deer I made on Channel 4’s Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas a couple of years ago. He was a little rushed as I only had four hours to make him on the show, but I am extremely proud as he gave me my winning trophy and sits on the wall in our house! I just couldn’t bring myself to sell him. My favourite thing is when a customer asks for something I haven’t made yet – I’m making a giant Highland cow soon and I can’t wait!

What do you most enjoy about running your workshops?

I have always been petrified of teaching and was so nervous when I taught workshops at The Handmade Fair but I loved it so much! Hopefully, I’ll be doing a lot more of this in the new year. But I couldn’t possibly do just that, I love designing and making too much!


Are there any other crafts you love?

I am always tempted by other crafts and I still love to crochet. Plus, I’ve just started to learn how to needle punch. I also have dreams of making a huge weave for our house one day, but I never get the time! For now, I’m sticking to making pom-poms!

Check out all of Sammy’s cute creations at rubyandthesquirrel.com

Want more pom-pom goodness? Don’t miss Make It Today’s Pom-Pom Mag ‘n’ Makes, issue 48, on sale from 10th October!

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